Red Meat Producers Organization

Dankbaar vir goeie reën / Good rains welcomed

  MEDIA RELEASE                                    MEDIAVERKLARING   Issued by: TAU SA     Uitgereik deur: TLU SA   Enquiries: Mr Louis Meintjes President: TAU SA Cell.: 082 461 7262   Mr Bennie van Zyl General Manager TAU SA Cell.: 082 466 4470     Navrae: Mnr. Louis Meintjes President: TLU SA Sel.: 082 461 7262   Mnr Bennie […]

RPO en Federasie verkies nuwe bestuur

NUUSVRYSTELLING (vir onmiddellike vrystelling) RPO EN FEDERASIE VAN PRIMêRE ROOIVLEISPRODUSENTE VERKIES NUWE BESTUUR Tydens die pasafgelope vergadering van die RPO Uitvoerende Raad, is dr Pieter Prinsloo van die Oos-Kaap verkies tot 1ste Vise-voorsitter van die Nasionale RPO en mnr James Faber van die Noord-Kaap tot 2de Vise-voorsitter.  Mnr Koos van der Ryst was reeds as […]

RPO and Federation elects new management

  PRESS RELEASE (for immediate release) RPO AND FEDERATION OF PRIMARY RED MEAT PRODUCERS’  ELECTS NEW MANAGEMENT At the recent meeting of the RPO Executive Council, Dr Pieter Prinsloo of the Eastern Cape was elected as 1st Vice-Chairman of the National RPO and  Mr James Faber of the Northern Cape was elected to 2nd Vice-Chairman.  […]

Product availability

Product availability at OBP Communication from OBP regarding product availability  HERE

ALFA Pamflet

‘n Vee-ekspo soos min Afridome, Parys, Vrystaat 27 September – 1 Oktober 2016 Lees meer …

RPO Winsdrywers aanbiedings

Aanbiedings in pdf formaat hier beskikbaar. The influence of new breeding technologies on profit Vrystaat Nuwe tegnologie stoetteling Breeding as Profit Driver Japie vd Westhuizen Breeding as Profit Driver Japie vd Westhuizen v2 Breeding as Profit Driver Japie vd Westhuizen Final Veld Management as a Driver of Economic Sustainable Amie Aucamp Veeartsnetwerk video The Economic Drivers of Beef […]

National RPO hosts Conference and Congress

PRESS RELEASE The 26th Conference and Congress of the National Red Meat Producers’ Organisation (RPO) will be held on 16 en 17 August 2016 at the Khaya Ibhubesi Conference centre in Parys, Free State Province. The following guest speakers will be performing at the Conference, namely Mr JP Landman with the theme “Challenges to overcome […]

Nasionale RPO hou Konferensie en Kongres

NUUSVRYSTELLING Die 26ste Konferensie en Kongres van die Nasionale Rooivleisprodusente-organisasie (RPO) word vanjaar gehou op 16 en 17 Augustus 2016 by die Khaya Ibhubesi Konferensiesentrum in Parys, Vrystaat Provinsie. Tydens die konferensie gaan die volgende gassprekers optree, naamlik mnr JP Landman met die tema “Uitdagings wat die landbousektor kan oorkom binne die makro-ekonomiese omgewing”; mnr […]

Nuwe invoerregulasies

Die pryse sowel as getalle by beesveilings in die land het drasties gedaal noudat toegang tot die Suid-Afrikaanse voerkraalmark feitlik onmoontlik is. 08 August 2016 | Landbou Ronelle Rademeyer – Veilingshuise in Namibië het verlede maand skerp onder druk gekom nadat Suid-Afrika op 1 Julie die nuwe, streng invoerregulasies in werking gestel het wat dit […]

Producers are urged to report livestock theft cases

PRESS RELEASE (for immediate release)   PRODUCERS ARE URGED TO REPORT LIVESTOCK THEFT CASES In recent times the National Stock Theft Prevention Forum (NSTPF) have been involved in many meetings all over the country and it is obvious that the statistics regarding the non-reporting of stock theft cases are not over extrapolated and that stock theft […]