Red Meat Producers Organization

[vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1712124557692{margin-top: 5px !important;}”][vc_column width=”1/2″ css=”.vc_custom_1714567375583{padding-right: 10px !important;}”][vc_custom_heading text=”INLIGTINGSDAE IN KZN GEHOU” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]Twee boeredae is onlangs in Luneburg en Utrecht in KwaZulu-Natal gehou, wat deur 50 mense bygewoon is.

Baie onderwerpe is bespreek, insluitende bewusmaking van bek-en-klouseer asook sommige geslagsiektes, terwyl die onderwerp van voeding aangeraak is aangesien die winter byna hier is.


Insetkoste per jaar vir diere vir beesvleisproduksie is ook bespreek en spesifiek wat  opkomende boere na verwagting sal moet betaal om hul diere te laat teel.


Nog ‘n punt wat aandag geniet het, is ‘n kollektiewe benadering/strategie waar boere hul kuddes bymekaar sit en dit as een groot kudde hanteer. Dit sal voordelig wees in terme van medikasie, verbeterde bestuur en voerinsetkoste. Dit sal ook op ‘n manier help om ‘n produksiestelsel te formaliseer waar alle koeie in die omgewing gelyktydig dragtigheidstoetse ondergaan.

’n Verkoopsverteenwoordiger van ’n afslaersmaatskappy het die inligtingsdae bygewoon en verduidelik hoekom produsente tans laer pryse vir hul produk ontvang. Daar is verduidelik dat kopers ‘n sekere kwaliteit diere benodig en daar is beklemtoon dat produsente aan hierdie standaarde moet voldoen.

Bron : KZN-RPO[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″ css=”.vc_custom_1714567367187{border-left-width: 1px !important;padding-left: 10px !important;border-left-color: #020202 !important;border-left-style: solid !important;}”][vc_custom_heading text=”INFORMATION DAYS HELD IN KZN” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]Two farmers days were held recently in Luneburg and Utrecht in KwaZulu-Natal with 50 people in attendance.

Many topics were covered, including Foot and Mouth awareness as well as some venereal diseases, while the subject of nutrition was touched on as winter is approaching.


Input costs per annum for animals for beef production was also discussed, particularly what the emerging farmers should expect to pay in order to get their animals to reproduce.


Another point that was covered, was a collective approach/strategy where farmers could put their herds together and treat them as one big herd, which will be beneficial in terms of medication, improved management and feed input costs. It will also help in a way to formalise a production system where all cattle in the area can be pregnancy tested at the same time.

A sales representative from an auctioneering company attended the information days and explained why lower prices are currently realised. It was explained that buyers require a certain quality of animal and producers have to meet these standards.

Source : KwaZulu-Natal RPO[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]