[vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1712124557692{margin-top: 5px !important;}”][vc_column width=”1/2″ css=”.vc_custom_1714567375583{padding-right: 10px !important;}”][vc_custom_heading text=”NVG WERP LIG OP VEEDIEFSTAL” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]Volgens ‘n brosjure wat deur die Nasionale Vervolgingsgesag gepubliseer is, word veediefstal ingevolge die Wet op Veediefstal, 1959 (Wet no. 57 van 1959), en die Wet op die Identifikasie van Diere, 2002 (Wet no. 6 van 2002) bestuur.
Die verkoop van of beskikking oor vee behels die volgende:-
- Niemand mag vee verkoop of op enige wyse daaroor beskik as die geregistreerde identifikasiemerk van die eienaar nie daarop verskyn nie [artikel 7(2)(b) van die Wet op die Identifikasie van Diere, 2002 (Wet No. 6 van 2002)].
- Ontvangs van vee sonder ʼn identifikasiemerk soos deur die wet vereis, kan die ontvangs van vermoedelik gesteelde vee uitmaak; dit is ʼn misdryf en kan onmiddellike inhegtenisneming tot gevolg hê [artikel 3 van die Wet op Veediefstal, 1959 (Wet No. 57 van 1959)].
- Die verkoper moet aan die koper/ontvanger ʼn artikel 6-dokument verstrek, wat ʼn dokument van identifikasie genoem word [artikel 6(1) van die Wet op Veediefstal, 1959)].
- Niemand mag aflewering van vee aanvaar sonder om ʼn dokument van identifikasie ten tyde van die lewering te verkry nie, en sodanige dokument moet al die inligting bevat wat hieronder gespesifiseer word; daarsonder sal dit nie geag word ʼn dokument van identifikasie te wees nie [artikel 6(2) van die Wet op Veediefstal, 1959].
- Die dokument van identifikasie moet die volgende inligting bevat, en dit is die verantwoordelikheid van die verkoper om toe te sien dat al die inligting in die dokument verstrek word [artikel 6(1)(a) van die Wet op Veediefstal, 1959]:
- Volle name en adres van die verkoper en, indien die vee ten behoewe van die verkoper verkoop word, ook die volle name en adres van die persoon wat gemagtig is om die vee aldus te verkoop.
- Volle name en adres van die ontvanger van sodanige vee.
- Die datum waarop die vee verkoop of van die hand gesit is.
- Sertifisering dat die vee die eiendom van die verkoper is of dat die verteenwoordiger van die verkoper deur die verkoper gemagtig is om sodanige vee te verkoop of daaroor te beskik.
- Die ras van die vee of die soort vee.
- Die aantal stuks vee.
- Die brandmerk, oormerk of tatoeëermerk op die vee.
- Indien die vee nie gemerk is nie, dan die geslag, aantal diere van elke geslag en die kleur van die vee.
- Die dokument van identifikasie moet vir minstens een jaar gehou word [artikel 6(3) van die Wet op Veediefstal, 1959].
- Enige persoon kan binne die tydperk hierbo vermeld, insae in sodanige dokument van identifikasie eis [artikel 6(4) van die Wet op Veediefstal, 1959].
- Die polisie kan ʼn eienaar van vee beveel om sy of haar vee duidelik te merk indien die identifikasiemerk na die mening van die polisiebeampte onsigbaar of onduidelik is. Die eienaar moet binne 14 dae aan sodanige bevel voldoen [artikel 7(1)(c) van die Wet op die Identifikasie van Diere, 2002].
- Daar word aanbeveel dat die eienaar bewys van sy of haar geregistreerde identifikasiemerk by hom of haar hou en dit op versoek van die SAPD toon.
- Versuim om aan enigeen van bogenoemde bepalings te voldoen kan lei tot die oplê van ʼn boete of tot inhegtenisneming en vervolging in ʼn strafhof.
Bron : Adv PW Coetzer : Nasionale Vervolgingsgesag[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″ css=”.vc_custom_1714567367187{border-left-width: 1px !important;padding-left: 10px !important;border-left-color: #020202 !important;border-left-style: solid !important;}”][vc_custom_heading text=”NPA SHEDS LIGHT ON LIVESTOCK THEFT” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]According to a brochure published by the National Prosecuting Authority, livestock theft is managed in terms of the Livestock Theft Act, 1959 (Act no. 57 of 1959), and the Animal Identification Act, 2002 (Act no. 6 of 2002).
The sale or disposal of livestock involves the following:-
- No one may sell livestock or dispose of it in any way if the registered identification mark of the owner does not appear on it [section 7(2)(b) of the Animal Identification Act, 2002 (Act No. 6 of 2002)].
- Receipt of livestock without an identification mark as required by law may constitute the receipt of suspected stolen livestock; it is an offense and may result in immediate arrest [section 3 of the Livestock Theft Act, 1959 (Act No. 57 of 1959)].
- The seller must provide the buyer/recipient with a section 6 document, which is called a document of identification [section 6(1) of the Livestock Theft Act, 1959].
- No one may accept delivery of livestock without obtaining a document of identification at the time of delivery, and such document must contain all the information specified below; without it, it will not be considered a document of identification [section 6(2) of the Livestock Theft Act, 1959].
- The document of identification must contain the following information, and it is the responsibility of the seller to ensure that all the information is provided in the document [section 6(1)(a) of the Livestock Theft Act, 1959]:
- Full names and address of the seller and, if the livestock is sold on behalf of the seller, also the full names and address of the person authorized to sell the livestock in this way.
- Full names and address of the recipient of such stock.
- The date the livestock was sold or disposed of.
- Certification that the livestock is the property of the seller or that the representative of the seller is authorised by the seller to sell or dispose of such livestock.
- The breed of the livestock or the type of livestock.
- The number of livestock.
- The branding, earmark or tattoo on the livestock.
- If the livestock is not marked, then the gender, number of animals of each gender and the colour of the livestock.
- Full names and address of the seller and, if the livestock is sold on behalf of the seller
- The document of identification must be kept for at least one year [section 6(3) of the Livestock Theft Act, 1959].
- Any person may, within the period stated above, demand inspection of such document of identification [section 6(4) of the Livestock Theft Act, 1959].
- The police can order an owner of livestock to clearly mark his or her livestock if, in the opinion of the police officer, the identification mark is invisible or unclear. The owner must comply with such order within 14 days [section 7(1)(c) of the Animal Identification Act, 2002].
- It is recommended that the owner keep proof of his or her registered identification mark with him or her and show it at the request of the SAPS.
- Failure to comply with any of the above provisions may lead to the imposition of a fine or to arrest and prosecution in a criminal court.
Source : Adv PW Coetzer : National Prosecuting Authority[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row]