Figure 1: Picture of the Al Messilah, with red blocks indicating the ventilation system of the vessel.
Figure 1: Picture of the Al Messilah, with red blocks indicating the ventilation system of the vessel.

Ekstensiewe veeproduksie is die hoeksteen van landbouproduksie in die Oos-Kaap.

Volgens Brent McNamara, bestuurder van die Oos-Kaap RPO, is die organisasie deur Al Mawashi SA (Pty) Ltd uitgenooi om ‘n waarnemer te wees by die fasiliteit waar lewendehawe aangehou is, wat deur Page Farming Trust bestuur word en die Oos-Londense hawe waar skape en beeste voorberei word vir lewendige uitvoer aan boord die Al Messilah-vaartuig.

Die besoek het oor vier dae, van 2 April tot 5 April 2024 plaasgevind, met die doel om die vlak van voldoening aan die riglyne vir die uitvoer van lewenehawe per see (Weergawe 1.0) te beoordeel tydens die vervoer- en laaiprosesse.

Figure 2: Overview image of the feedlot holding pens.
Figure 2: Overview image of the feedlot holding pens.
Figure 3: Water and feed troughs at the Berlin feedlot
Figure 3: Water and feed troughs at the Berlin feedlot.
Figure 4: Hospital pen at feedlot, showing adequate feed, fodder and shade provided to the animals.
Figure 4: Hospital pen at feedlot, showing adequate feed, fodder and shade provided to the animals.

Altesaam 51 285 skape, 1 500 beeste en 183 beeste is in die Oos-Londen hawe op die boot gelaai om uitgevoer te word.

Simptome van Orf, ecthyma contagiosum, is by die voerkrale geïdentifiseer sowel as tydens die laai van die diere op die boot. Altesaam 20 beeste is by die voerkrale geïdentfiseer en ‘n verdere 10 by die hawe. ‘n Totaal van 30 skape uit 51 285 (0.06%) het simptome van Orf getoon en is nie gelaai nie. Dié diere is verwyder, geïsoleer en met die gepaste medikasie by die voerkrale behandel. Die gepaste medikasie is uitgereik aan die veearts aan boord van die skip, sodat dit toegedien kan word indien enige verdere gevalle tydens die reis aan die lig kom.

Figure 5: Feed and fodder being loaded onto the Al Messilah vessel.
Figure 5: Feed and fodder being loaded onto the Al Messilah vessel.
Figure 6: Water troughs with automated ball valve. 6b: Feed troughs with automated downpipes (highlighted with green block). Images taken from ABC News Australia’s Documentary "What it's like onboard a live export ship."
Figure 6: Water troughs with automated ball valve. 6b: Feed troughs with automated downpipes (highlighted with green block). Images taken from ABC News Australia’s Documentary "What it's like onboard a live export ship."

Diere is met oorplaatjies met ‘n unieke reeksnommer toegerus en is ingevolge AIDA by die voerkrale gemerk in die vorm van tatoeëermerke.

Volgens die amptelike verslag is 52 799 skape by die voerkrale ontvang. Altesaam 359 hiervan is na die abattoir gestuur (0.68%), 115 diere is vir noodslagting verwys (0.22%), en 91 mortaliteite het by die voerkrale voorgekom (0.17%). Daar was 71 dragtige ooie wat nie gelaai is nie (0.13%), en 661 skape is by die voerkrale gelos (1.25%).

Figure 7: Ewe being scanned by NSPCA veterinarian. 7b: Visual screening of ewes for suspected pregnancy by veterinarians. 10c: Scanned ewes, confirmed pregnancy ewes marked with a blue line down their back.
Figure 7: Ewe being scanned by NSPCA veterinarian. 7b: Visual screening of ewes for suspected pregnancy by veterinarians. 10c: Scanned ewes, confirmed pregnancy ewes marked with a blue line down their back.

Volgens die besoek aan die voerkrale en die vaartuig, het dit geblyk dat alle pogings aangewend is om te voldoen aan die riglyne vir die uitvoer van lewendige diere per see (W01) en die konsep-gids vir diere wat geskik is om gelaai te word (Weergawe 1.0) en die Oos-Kaap RPO het geen hanteringskwessies geïdentifiseer wat ingryping geverg het nie.

Figure 8: Sheep with individual ear tags.
Figure 8: Sheep with individual ear tags.
Figure 9: Average body condition of sheep load
Figure 9: Average body condition of sheep load
Figure 10: Horns trimmed.
Figure 10: Horns trimmed.

Die som vir die huidige besending diere lyk as volg

  • Die totale waarde van lewendehawe wat verskeep is, was R177 000 000;
  • Die totale waarde van voer wat die diere ontvang het, was R17 680 000;
  • R1 200 000 is aan tydelike werksgeleenthede bestee (dit sluit 60 tydelike poste vir vier weke en skeerders in);
  • R2 294 000 is aan die Oos-Londen hawe betaal;
  • R169 500 in veeartsenykundige inkomste; en
  • R5 658 165 is bestee aan vervoer.

Die totale ekonomiese voordeel aan die Oos-Kaap het dus op R205 527 165 te staan gekom.

Mnr Brent McNamara,
Hoofuitvoerende Beampte RPO Oos-Kaap


Figure 1: Picture of the Al Messilah, with red blocks indicating the ventilation system of the vessel.
Figure 1: Picture of the Al Messilah, with red blocks indicating the ventilation system of the vessel.

Extensive livestock production is the cornerstone of agricultural production within the Eastern Cape.

According to Brent McNamara, Eastern Cape RPO Manager, the organisation was invited by Al Mawashi SA (Pty) Ltd to observe the loading of livestock at the holding facility, managed by the Page Farming Trust, and the East London harbour where sheep and cattle were being prepared for live export on the Al Messilah vessel.

This visit took place over four days, from 2 April 2024 to 5 April 2024, with the purpose of assessing the level of compliance with the guidelines for the exportation of live animals by sea (Version 01) and the draft fitness to load guide (Version 1.0) during the transportation and loading processes.

Figure 2: Overview image of the feedlot holding pens.
Figure 2: Overview image of the feedlot holding pens.
Figure 3: Water and feed troughs at the Berlin feedlot
Figure 3: Water and feed troughs at the Berlin feedlot.
Figure 4: Hospital pen at feedlot, showing adequate feed, fodder and shade provided to the animals.
Figure 4: Hospital pen at feedlot, showing adequate feed, fodder and shade provided to the animals.

A total of 51 285 sheep, 1 500 head of cattle and 183 goats were loaded onto the vessel and exported from East London harbour.

Symptoms of Orf, ecthyma contagiosum, was identified at the feedlot and during the loading of the vessel. A total of 20 sheep were identified at the feedlot and 10 more were identified at the harbour. A total of 30 sheep out of the 51 285 (0.06%) displayed symptoms of Orf and were not loaded. These animals were removed, isolated, and treated with the appropriate medication at the feedlot. The veterinarian on-board the vessel was supplied with the same medication to be administered on board if any cases arose during the voyage.

Figure 5: Feed and fodder being loaded onto the Al Messilah vessel.
Figure 5: Feed and fodder being loaded onto the Al Messilah vessel.
Figure 6: Water troughs with automated ball valve. 6b: Feed troughs with automated downpipes (highlighted with green block). Images taken from ABC News Australia’s Documentary "What it's like onboard a live export ship."
Figure 6: Water troughs with automated ball valve. 6b: Feed troughs with automated downpipes (highlighted with green block). Images taken from ABC News Australia’s Documentary "What it's like onboard a live export ship."

Animals were tagged with a unique serial number on their ear tags and were re-marked in the form of tattoos in terms of AIDA at the feedlot.

According to the official report, 52 799 sheep were received at the feedlot. Of these, 359 animals were sent to the abattoir (0.68%), 115 animals were sent for emergency slaughter (0.22%), and 91 mortalities occurred at the feedlot (0.17%). There were 71 pregnant ewes which were not loaded (0.13%), and 661 sheep were left at the feedlot (1.25%).

Figure 7: Ewe being scanned by NSPCA veterinarian. 7b: Visual screening of ewes for suspected pregnancy by veterinarians. 10c: Scanned ewes, confirmed pregnancy ewes marked with a blue line down their back.
Figure 7: Ewe being scanned by NSPCA veterinarian. 7b: Visual screening of ewes for suspected pregnancy by veterinarians. 10c: Scanned ewes, confirmed pregnancy ewes marked with a blue line down their back.

From the visit to the feedlot and the vessel, it appears that every effort was made to comply with the guidelines for the export of live animals by sea (V01) and the draft fit to load guide (Version 1.0), and there were no operational or handling issues identified by the EC RPO that required intervention.

Figure 8: Sheep with individual ear tags.
Figure 8: Sheep with individual ear tags.
Figure 9: Average body condition of sheep load
Figure 9: Average body condition of sheep load
Figure 10: Horns trimmed.
Figure 10: Horns trimmed.

For this current shipment of animals:

  • R177 000 000 was the total value of livestock to be shipped,
  • R17 680 000 was the total value of feed for animals,
  • R1 200 000 was paid towards temporary employment (this included 60 temporary jobs for four weeks and shearers),
  • R2 294 000 paid to East London Port,
  • R169 500 in veterinary income, and
  • R5 658 165 in transporters income.

Thus, giving a total economic benefit to the Eastern Cape of R205 527 165.

Mr Brent McNamara:
Chief Executive Officer, RPO Eastern Cape