RPO Wes-Kaap se Algemene Jaarvergadering was gehou op 23 Mei 2024 in Laingsburg, met die tema “Die Rooivleisprodusente-organisasie se Visie vir 2030 en daarna”.
Tydens die bespreking was die feit benadruk dat dit elke produsent en elke rolspeler in die rooivleiswaardeketting se verantwoordelikheid is om streng biosekuriteit op plaasvlak toe te pas ten einde die verspreiding van dieresiektes te voorkom. Biosekuriteit is ononderhandelbaar en die onverantwoordelike optrede van rolspelers in die rooivleiswaardeketing kan tot groot finansiële verliese vir veral produsente en voerkrale aanleiding gee.
Dit was verder benadruk dat die RPO as organisasie nie die voorkoms of verspreiding van bek-en-klouseer voorkom nie, maar voorkoming van enige dieresiekte begin op plaasvlak.
Die volgende sprekers het ook tydens die geleentheid opgetree:-
Dr Frikkie Maré, HUB van die nasionale RPO – Wanneer jy vra: “Wat doen die RPO vir my”, verwys jy eintlik na jouself, want “jy is lid is die RPO”
- Die RMIS (Red Meat Industry Services) tree op as administrateur van die statutêre heffing en vervang dus geen van enige ander instansies se rol nie.
- Die statutêre heffing word deur die lede van die RMPC (Red Meat Primary Cluster), naamlik RPO, NERPO, Abattoirvereniging en Voerkraalvereniging ondersteun en wat ook die aansoek van die huidge statutêre heffing ingedien het. Hulle dien op die Raad van die RMIS.
- Alle heffings word by die abattoirs gehef (R13,65 per bees en R2,66 per skaap) en aan die RMIS oorbetaal wat diensverskaffers aanstel om die verskillende funksies onder die statutêre heffing te verrig.
- Die RPO is die diensverskaffer ten opsigte van die volgende funksies :-
- Produsente kommunikasie;
- Diereaantekening en veediefstal;
- Sertifisering van rooivleis
Dr Maré het verder ook verwys na die verskil tussen “wie is ek?” (dinge wat jy nie kan verander nie, soos waar is ek gebore en getoë, huwelikstatus, aangebore persoonlikheid ensovoorts) teenoor “wat is ek” (wat doen ek met die gawes en vermoëns wat ek ontvang het en hoe posisioneer ek myself in die samelewing). Niks van wie ek is, bepaal wat ek kan wees nie. Wees altyd die beste “wat” jy kan wees binne jou vermoëns. Moenie dat “wie ek is” in die pad staan van “wat ek is” nie.
Nog ‘n gasspeker, dr Peter Johnston van die Universiteit Kaapstad se Climate System Analysis Group het ook by die geleentheid opgetree. Dr Johnston het ‘n oorsig gegee rakende die oorsaak, huidige stand en toekomstige voorspelling van klimaatsverandering.
Tydens die geleentheid is mnr Jaco van den Berg van Murraysburg amptelik tot nuwe voorsitter verkies met mnr Gert Agenbach van Bredasdorp as nuwe vise-voorsitter.
Bron : RPO Wes-Kaap
RPO Western Cape’s Annual General Meeting was held on 23 May 2024 in Laingsburg, with the theme “The Red Meat Producers Organisation’s Vision for 2030 and beyond“.
During the discussion, the fact was emphasised that it is the responsibility of every producer and every role player in the red meat value chain to apply strict biosecurity at farm level in order to prevent the spread of animal diseases. Biosecurity is non-negotiable and the irresponsible actions of role players in the red meat value chain can lead to large financial losses for producers and feedlots in particular.
It was further emphasised that the RPO as an organization does not prevent the occurrence or spread of foot-and-mouth disease, but prevention of any animal disease starts at farm level.
The following speakers also performed during the event:-
- Dr Frikkie Maré, CEO of the national RPO – When you ask: “What does the RPO do for me”, you are actually referring to yourself, because “you as a member are the RPO”
- The RMIS (Red Meat Industry Services) acts as administrator of the statutory levy and therefore does not replace any of the other institutions’ role;
- The statutory levy is supported by the members of the RMPC (Red Meat Primary Cluster) which applied for the current statutory levy, namely RPO, NERPO, Abattoir Association and Feedlot Association and they serve on the board of the RMIS respectively.
- All levies are collected at abattoirs (R13,65 per cattle and R2,66 per sheep) and remitted to the RMIS which appoints service providers to carry out the various functions under the statutory levy.
- The RPO is the service provider in respect of the following functions under the statutory levy :-
- Producer Communication’
- Animal recording and theft
- Red Meat Certification (Code of Best Practice)
Dr Maré also referred to the difference between “who am I?” (things you cannot change, such as where I was born and raised, marital status, innate personality and so on) versus “what am I” (what do I do with the gifts and abilities I have received and how do I position myself in society ). Nothing about “who I am” determines “what I can be”. Always be the best “what” you can be within your abilities. Don’t let “who I am” get in the way of “what I am“.
Another guest speaker, Dr Peter Johnston from the University of Cape Town’s Climate System Analysis Group also spoke at the event.
Dr Johnston gave an overview regarding the cause, current state and future forecast of climate change.
During the event, Mr Jaco van den Berg from Murraysburg was officially elected as the new chairman with Mr Gert Agenbach from Bredasdorp as the new vice chairman.
Source : RPO Western Cape