SA Stamboek verteenwoordig Suid-Afrika reeds etlike jare by die International Committee for Animal Recording (ICAR) en die belangrike subkomitee van ICAR, naamlik Interbull.
Die jaarlikse ICAR en Interbull konferensie het van 19 tot 24 Mei 2024 in BLED, Slowenië plaasgevind en is deur meer as 480 afgevaardigdes van 48 lande bygewoon. SA Stamboek se afvaardiging het bestaan uit drs Japie van der Westhuizen, Bobbie van der Westhuizen en Bernice Mostert.
ICAR se subkomitees en werkgroepe is verantwoordelik vir die daarstel van wêreldwye standaarde en gevolglike akkreditasie en sertifisering van aantekening-praktyke vir plaasdiere, verwerking van data, genetiese meriete-voorspelling en die aanwending van die verwerkte inligting. Die ICAR subgroep vir diere-identifikasie sorg byvoorbeeld onder meer vir die akkreditasie van oorplaatjies en elektroniese identifikasie-sisteme.
Dr Japie van der Westhuizen se verbintenis met ICAR strek vanaf 1996, waar hy aanvanklik die LNR verteenwoordig het en sedert 2011 vir SA Stamboek. Hy het ook twee termyne op ICAR se raad gedien. Tydens sy verbintenis was hy mede-stigter van die ICAR Vleisbees-werksgroep (waar hy ook vir een termyn voorsitter was), die stigting van die Interbeef werksgroep, verantwoordelik vir internasionale genetiese evaluasies vir enkele vleisbeesrasse en lid van die melkaantekening-werksgroep. Hy dien steeds op Interbeef se tegniese komitee en is ook deel van die deskundige adviesgroep vir die ICAR kwaliteitsertifisering – EAG for CoQ.
Dr Bobbie van der Westhuizen dien ook op Interbeef se tegniese groep en is betrokke by die span wat verantwoordelik is vir genetiese modelspesifikasie en genetiese variansiekomponente vir internasionale genetiese meriete-voorspelling vir vleisbeeste.
Dr Bernice Mostert verteenwoordig SA Stamboek by Interbull, die subkomitee wat sorg vir internasionale genetiese merietevoorspellings vir melkbeeste, gebruik van genomiese inligting vir ouerskapbevestiging en ontdekking, uitruil van genomiese profiele en ander dienste.
SA Stamboek se dienste aan Telersgenootskappe, diere-identifikasie, dataverwerking, melk-, vleisbees- en kleinvee- aantekening, tegniese dienste en genetiese merietevoorspelling voldoen aan ICAR se internasionale standaarde.
Bron : SA Stamboek
SA Studbook represents South Africa now for several years at the International Committee for Animal Recording (ICAR) and ICAR’s important sub-committee, namely Interbull.
The annual ICAR and Interbull conference took place from 19 to 24 May 2024 in BLED, Slovenia, and were attended by more than 480 representatives from 48 countries. The SA Studbook delegation consisted of Drs Japie van der Westhuizen, Bobbie van der Westhuizen and Bernice Mostert.
ICAR’s sub-committees and working groups are responsible for the establishment of worldwide standards and the resultant accreditation and certification of note-taking practices for farm animals, the processing of data, genetic merit prediction and the application of the processed information. The ICAR sub-committee for animal identification for example takes care, among other things, of the accreditation of ear tags and electronic identification systems.
Dr Japie van der Westhuizen’s connection with ICAR dates back to 1996, when he was initially representing the ARC, while he has been presenting SA Studbook since 2011. He also served two terms on the ICAR board. During his commitment he was co-founder of the ICAR beef cattle working group (where he served as chairman for one term), the establishment of the Interbeef working group, responsible for international genetic evaluations for some beef cattle breeds and member of the milk recording working group. He still serves on Interbeef’s technical committee and is also part of the expert advisory group for the ICAR quality certification – EAG for CoQ.
Dr Bobbie van der Westhuizen also serves on Interbeef’s technical group and is involved with the team who is responsible for genetic model specification and genetic variance components for international genetic merit prediction for beef cattle.
Dr Bernice Mostert represents SA Studbook at Interbull, the sub-committee responsible for international genetic merit predictions for dairy cattle, use of genomic information for parentage confirmation and discovery, exchange of genomic profiles and other services.
SA Studbook’s services to breeders’ associations, animal identification data processing, dairy, beef and small livestock recording and technical services and genetic merit prediction meet ICAR’s international standards.
Source : SA Studbook