Red Meat Producers Organization

Die nasionale RPO se konferensie vir 2024 was gehou op 17 Oktober 2024 by NAMPO/Alfa in Bothaville.


Tydens die geleentheid het die volgende sprekers opgetree :

The National RPO’s conference for 2024 was held on 17 October 2024 at NAMPO/Alfa in Bothaville.


During the event, the following speakers gave presentations:

Die RPO: Vir produsente, deur produsente /
The RPO: For producers, by producers

Die RPO deur die oë van 'n produsent /
The RPO through the eyes of a producer

Shackleton’s Success - Through his Crew /
Shackleton’s Success - Through his Crew

Herposisionering van 'n klein produsente-organisasie in 'n veranderde markomgewing : SAVPO /
Repositioning of a small producers’ organisation in a changing market environment : SAPPO

Herposisionering van 'n groot produsente-organisasie in 'n veranderde markomgewing : Graan SA /
Repositioning of a large producers’ organisation in a changing market environment : Grain SA

Mnr Angus Williamson
van KZN-RPO het as
seremoniemeester opgetree. /

Mr Angus Williamson
from KZN-RPO was the
master of ceremonies.

Afgevaardigdes tydens konferensie /
Delegates at the Conference
Drie van die sprekers. Kobus Bester, dr.’e Peter Evans en Tobias Doyer /
Three of the speakers. Kobus Bester, dr.’e Peter Evans and Tobias Doyer


Tydens die pasafgelope RPO Konferensie wat gehou was op 17 Oktober 2024 by Nampo/Alfa, Bothaville, het die RPO se Vennote Borg, Voermol weer die tjek oorhandig aan die Voorsitter van die RPO, mnr. James Faber.


Die RPO/Voermol ooreenkoms is van toepassing op die verkope van Voermol se SB100 en SS200 produkte wat verkoop word en waar ‘n insentief jaarliks aan die RPO oorbetaal word.

During the recently RPO Conference held on 17 October 2024 at Nampo/Alfa, Bothaville, the RPO’s Partner Sponsor, Voermol again handed over the check to the Chairman of the RPO, Mr. James Faber.


The RPO/Voermol agreement applies to the sales of Voermol’s SB100 and SS200 products that are sold and where an incentive is paid annually to the RPO.

Dankie / Thank You

Die nasionale RPO wil graag die volgende borge hartlik bedank vir hul betrokkenheid wat bygedra het tot die sukses van die geleentheid. /

The national RPO would like to sincerely thank the following sponsors for their involvement which contributed to the success of the event.